Today, I presented my 2024 Mayor’s State of the City (SOTC) Address at the Burlington Convention with three clear messages: Burlington is open for business; committed to doing our part to see housing supply increased; and a welcoming and inclusive place for all.
Thank you to the Burlington Chamber of Commerce for once again hosting this opportunity. The SOTC Address allows the Mayor to set the tone for the year and lay out Council’s priorities and how we plan to achieve them. Thank you, as well, to Cogeco for presenting the event with the Chamber and airing the SOTC on their network — and another big thank you to Cogeco’s Tim Caddigan for hosting the Q-and-A session with me after the Address, admittedly one of my favourite parts of the SOTC.
We once again had a sold-out crowd attend in person and I’m grateful to you all for joining, including all of my Council colleagues, Halton elected representatives, including Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr and Burlington MPP Natalie Pierre, City of Burlington staff and our business and community partners. Thank you, as well, to the Chamber and Cogeco teams and everyone who helped put on the SOTC event and ensure it was another success.
For anyone who was unable to join us in-person, below is a copy of my 2024 SOTC Address. You can also view a copy of the presentation slides here: Burlington Mayor’s 2024 State of the City Address.
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2024 Mayor’s State of the City Address:
Mayor Marianne Meed Ward
State of the City 2024
January 25, 2024
Full Speech Transcript
Good morning everyone, and welcome! Thank you for coming to this sold out event!
I appreciate the interest in joining this conversation about our achievements in 2023, and what’s coming in 2024. Thanks also to the Burlington Chamber of Commerce for hosting and Cogeco for presenting this event.
We welcome every opportunity to connect with our business community.
Your Council and City staff have been busy serving you throughout 2023:
- 34 motions (15 put forward by the Mayor)
- we unanimously accepted the Province’s housing pledge of enabling 29,000 homes by 2031
- we unanimously approved the first-ever Council Housing Strategy
- and we approved our city’s first Integrated Mobility Plan
Team Burlington has also been busy!
Burlington Economic Development, supported by the City with a $1.5 million annual grant:
- completed over 40 onsite visits to companies
- invested in 170 small businesses through the Digital Main Street grant
- and provided $400,000 in grants and services to 450 businesses for the MyMainStreet program
We also invested in community services:
- Free transit for seniors all day, every day; and free transit for youth in the evenings and on weekends
- Revamped Skyway Arena, that will open this year, and the Robert Bateman Community Centre, home to Brock University, Techplace, Halton District School Board, the Burlington Public Library, gyms, pool and community meeting space.
At last year’s State of the City, I announced the new Deputy Mayor with Portfolio governance model, to build on the unique strengths and experiences of each Councillor, and foster greater collaboration between Mayor and Council, and Council and staff.
This is an innovative made-in-Burlington model – no other municipality has done this. And it’s been very successful!
I asked each Deputy Mayor to share some highlights related to their portfolios.
Councillor Kelvin Galbraith, Deputy Mayor for Business and Red Tape Reduction
- In 2023, Councillor Galbraith is proud of the MyFiles online permit portal, that will speed permits and let you know exactly where your application is in the process.
- The addition of MyFiles allows applicants including business owners the ability to speed up their building permits and to see electronically where their pre-building application is in terms of timeline in real time. This service can really assist applicants with planning for the next stage of their build or project.
- He’s also proud of the work done with Landscape Ontario to reduce permit timelines from 17 weeks to 5 weeks for things such as decks, gazebos and major landscape projects.
- We have been working with the local landscape community and Landscape Ontario to assist in speeding up our delivery of permits and with the new tools being offered, they have reported that the timelines have reduced from 17 weeks to 5 weeks for permits on things like renovations, decks, gazebos and major landscape projects.
- In 2024, he’s looking forward to the first Pipeline to Permit Committee Meeting (consisting of 4 Council members and industry experts) to speed housing delivery. More on that later.
Councillor Lisa Kearns, Deputy Mayor for Community Engagement & Partnerships
- In 2023, Councillor Kearns is proud of the award winning Food for Feedback community engagement, the launch of the Community Engagement Charter Update, and numerous community-led projects funded through the Community Matching Fund, including a pollinator garden at Port Nelson Park and a Healing Forest at Paletta Park.
- The Food for Feedback programs was award the prestige Granicus Digital Government First Place Award – in the Changemaker category and the IAP2 (International Association for Public Participation) Core Values award winner for Extending the Practice through Creativity, Contribution and Innovation in the “Field category”
- She is also proud of the Community Engagement Charter Update – since mid-September, staff have been working with residents through an online workbook and survey as well as five in-person workshops and one online workshop. Staff have also been seeking input from City advisory committees and other community partners, such as the Halton Multicultural Council.
- And the Community Matching Fund allowed for numerous projects to be completed including the new community bumping space at Sycamore Park, Community Wi-Fi at the Burlington Tennis club, a Pollinator Garden at Port Nelson Park and a Healing Forest at Paletta in honour of Truth and Reconciliation and as a part of the National Healing Forests Initiative.
- Looking ahead to 2024, Councillor Kearns is excited to launch the Resident Roster – A pool of “residents at the ready” that are representative of Burlington. Residents would volunteer to help represent Burlington through pre-engagement, focus groups, test groups and bench marking.
Councillor Rory Nisan, Deputy Mayor for the Environment
- In 2023, the City saw the launch of the Better Homes Burlington pilot program with a zero percent loan up to $10,000 to support the installation of air source heat pumps in Burlington homes; the approval of the City’s Integrated Mobility Plan to support sustainable and active transportation in our community; the launch of the city’s green fleet strategy; and 8 new Electric Vehicle (EV) charging spots at City facilities where drivers can currently charge at City EV chargers for free as an incentive to support electric mobility.
- The City also recently launched a new video on climate change too, viewable here:
- In 2024, the City will see the launch of a Transit Fleet electrification plan and a consultant’s report providing options for Council’s consideration on even more free transit.
Councillor Shawna Stolte, Deputy Mayor for Housing
- 2023 saw more streamlined processes and policies that will allow residents to update their properties to meet their families needs faster.
- Councillor Stolte is proud of the work to move forward on exploring new and innovative ways to provide creative housing solutions to present and future generations of Burlingtonians with homes that meet their lifestyles and financial circumstances and ensure that every resident in our community feels welcome and able to call Burlington home.
- And excited that City processes and policies continue to be amended and updated to reflect the need for a more streamlined and straight forward process regarding building permits that will allow residents to update their properties to meet their families needs in a timely manner.
- And 2024 brought the announcement of $21 million dollars of federal funding from the Housing Accelerator Fund. This will allow us to fast track the work of Burlington’s Housing Strategy and good quality, attainable housing for residents of Burlington.
Councillor Paul Sharman, Deputy Mayor for Strategy, Budget, Process Management and Performance Measurement
- Our 2024 budget, that we approved last year (one of the first municipalities to do so!) saw the advancement of Burlington’s already innovative and leading 5-year rolling budget practice to ensure a solid, financially sustainable future.
- Council unanimously wrote to the province about our win-win-win triple bottom line approach to development and population growth to ensure a high quality of life for all community members for the next 7 generations.
- And 2024 will see a decision from the province on our request to convert 700 acres of employment land to mixed use.
Councillor Angelo Bentivegna, Deputy Mayor for Recreation and Community Services
- Councillor Bentivegna is proud of some initiatives which started in 2023 that will be completed in 2024 including:
- the “Live and Play Plan” to identify indoor and outdoor recreation facility needs to respond to population growth;
- creating a neighbourhood strategy;
- updates to the city’s relationships with Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Joint Ventures;
- and opening Skyway Arena.
- Additionally our global ambassadors, the Burlington Teen Tour Band, will be heading to France to march in the D-Day Parade at Juno Beach.
I’ve also had a busy year!
In addition to my duties on Council and in the community, I’m an elected member of the Large Urban Caucus of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), and I was elected Chair of Ontario’s Big Cities Mayors (OBCM) caucus, a role that continues this year.
OBCM represents 29 mayors of all cities in Ontario larger than 100,000 people. Our key focus is advocacy on shared issues, including the need for a new financial relationship between the provincial and federal governments and cities. We all need a “new deal” and can’t continue to pay for the services our residents need on the property tax base alone.
I don’t do any of this work alone, so I’d like to take a moment to recognize my new Chief of Staff, Marie Nash – who I took from the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce; Esther Gibbs, in the newly-created role of Policy & Community Support Specialist. They both join John Bkila, my Media and Digital Communications Advisor, who just celebrated five years in my office, and Hannelie van Niekerk, my Executive Administrator & Constituent Liaison for the last three years.
There are more than 1,000 staff at City Hall that deliver services every day, many of whom are here today.
I’d like to take a moment to especially thank our out-going City Manager Tim Commisso — this will be his late State of the City with us. He brought a period of stability, led us through a pandemic and brought many innovations including our Burlington Lands Partnership focused on economic development, community services and affordable housing.
Please join me in welcoming them and thanking them for their service to the community.
Last year – 2023 – also marked Burlington’s 150+ anniversary. We were incorporated as a city 150 years ago, but the + acknowledges that Indigenous Peoples were here living on this land for a millennia before that.
To commemorate this significant milestone, my office commissioned Burlington-based Tony Hall, of See My Clients, to create a video for the occasion and our special Burlington 150+ Time Capsule:
Thank you Tony for encapsulating everything that makes Burlington special in this video that I know our community will cherish.
All of this great work culminated with the City of Burlington being named the top city in the province, and fifth in the entire country, by the Globe and Mail. We were also ranked the top city for Gen Z by Point2Homes.
Last year was an incredible year, and there’s more to come in 2024.
I’d like to focus on three themes:
- Burlington is Open for Business
- Burlington is Serious about More Homes
- Burlington is Inclusive and Welcoming to all
Recommendations of Red Tape Red Carpet Continue
In 2019, at my very first State of the City address, I announced the Red Tape Red Carpet taskforce with co-chair Councillor Galbraith.
That resulted in 22 recommendations, many of them completed or underway:
- We opened our “One Window” at City Hall, a one stop destination for businesses to get support on permits and development.
- We created a new role and welcomed Jeanette Bax as Manager, Business Development Customer Experience – a unique concierge service to assist investments through the development process.
- And we’ll be tracking key metrics like processing times to continue to make improvements.
AI Tool for Commercial Development
We’re also about to launch a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool for commercial development. We’re the first city in Canada to use the technology specifically for development on employment lands.
It uploads the city’s zoning bylaws, and when applicants submit permits, AI automatically evaluates the design’s compliance against the relevant rules, and will provide immediate feedback.
This will save time & money and get permits out faster.
Post-Secondary Investments
Burlington has also seen significant post-secondary investments.
In 2023, Brock University opened their doors in Burlington at a temporary location at the former Lester B Pearson high school. We look forward to welcoming them as our largest tenant at the new Robert Bateman Community Centre in 2025
Burlington also hosts a Mohawk College campus, at The Village of Tansley Woods. They offer programs for Occupational Therapist Assistant, Physiotherapist Assistant, and Personal Support Worker.
We welcome post-secondary institutions and satellite programming as one way to boost local employment and support business. We hope the graduates of Brock, Mohawk, and of course the longstanding McMaster University DeGroote School of Business/Ron Joyce Centre, will find jobs right here in Burlington.
Burlington Economic Development has been busy too. They focus on retention and attraction of businesses to Burlington.
I’m happy to report that the EcDev team is currently pursuing over 90 leads. I’d like to highlight one of those great Burlington companies they’ve attracted.
The Cultivated B
In 2023, The Cultivated B celebrated its first year in Burlington.
They purchased the 130,000 square foot former L3 Harris building, which represented the largest mixed office/industrial sale in at least a decade. They anticipate contributing upwards of $42.9 million towards the regional GDP, and creating more than 320 local jobs — and they’re just getting started! They plan to establish an innovation centre to support small and mid-size cellular agriculture and other biotech companies to test and scale their products.
This will put Burlington on the global map as a leader in these emerging industries.
We’re also attracting businesses through our tech startup venture: TechPlace.
In 2023, TechPlace welcomed 10 international companies through the Acceleration+ program that supports start-ups to relocate or expand their business in Burlington. Many of the founders are not only moving their business here but choosing Burlington as a place to raise their family.
I’d like to tell you about two of them.
Deeploy & K3 Green Tech
Deeploy was founded in 2015 as a key player in the global digital marketing arena. Its founder is Andres Pineda from Columbia. He chose Burlington for his business and his home, and moved here with his wife and young two children in 2023.
Here’s why he loves Burlington:
- The Orchard is his favourite neighbourhood (Councillor Sharman will be happy to hear that)
- the abundance of parks, walking trails, and trails
- the Tansley Woods and Central Libraries
- Shawarma Papi is his favourite spot for food – that’s in Councillor Stolte’s ward
- Family outings to the Spencer Smith Park Skating Rink – a favourite of our downtown Councillor Kearns also!
K3 Green Tech are pioneers in sustainable solutions in transportation Its founder is Jorge Gilberto Moraes from Brazil. He came to Burlington in 2022 and brought his family here in 2023.
Here’s why he loves Burlington:
- Headon Forest is his favourite neighbourhood (Councillor Bentivegna will be happy to hear that)
- Loves walks in the Twelve Mile Trail (Councillor Sharman does too)
- and dinner Piper Arms Pub – also in Councillor Stolte’s ward.
Please join me in welcoming Andres, Jorge, their businesses and their families to Burlington! I love to see people choosing Burlington to start a business and raise a family. When people make that choice, we need to have homes and communities for them to live.
This leads me to my next theme for 2024:
Housing Accelerator Fund Announcement
On Jan. 15, we announced a $21 million agreement with the federal government under the Housing Accelerator Fund to enable more than 600 additional new homes in the next 3 years.
These funds will support the City’s Housing Action Plan which includes seven initiatives:
- Streamlining planning and building approvals
- Implementing Major Transit Station Areas and Community Planning Permit System
- Supporting additional residential units, including four units as of right and a no parking minimum pilot
- Identifying incentives for rental and non-market housing
- Building community and partner capacity by creating a Housing Connections Centre
- Leveraging Public lands and partnerships; and
- Ensuring municipal infrastructure needs.
New Pipeline to Permit Standing Committee
We’re now able to announce the members of our new Pipeline to Permit Standing Committee!
This new committee is an innovative approach that doesn’t exist in any other municipality – yet – but we hope it will be a model others will copy. The committee brings together Councillors, the development industry, associations and residents to address gaps and opportunities to getting more shovels in the ground for housing, including affordable and attainable housing.
We were overwhelmed by the number of qualified applicants for the committee, and I am happy to share our membership. I would invite those who are present to stand as I call your name, and hold your applause so we can acknowledge them all at the end:
- John Davidson, Halton Region housing division
- Kellie McCormack, Conservation Halton
- Mike Collins-Williams, West End Home Builders Association
- Jason Sheldon, Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD)
- Jackie Isada, Habitat for Humanity
- Elisha Vankleef, Planner with New Horizon Development Group
- Jim Dunn, Professor at McMaster University focusing on Housing & Urban Development
- Bianca Steer, Vice President of Infrastructure at Fengate Asset Management; and
- John Doyle, Consultant on Strategy, Leadership and more.
Please join me in welcoming them!
Housing Pledge & Tracking
The Housing Accelerator Fund, or HAF funding for short, and our new P2P Committee will support us in achieving our housing pledge goal of 29,000 homes by 2031.
While municipalities don’t build homes, we enable their construction through planning and permits. I’m happy to report we currently have nearly 41,000 units in our planning pipeline (chart shown on slide).
Many of those are waiting for builders to submit site plan applications or come in for permits, and for the developers in the room – that’s where we need your help! Come see us.
Many units are tied up at the Ontario Land Tribunal – and we’re doing our best to reach appropriate settlements instead of costly hearings, where we can also protect our community’s best interests
And almost 8,000 are currently under review.
We can achieve our pledge by working together.
We’re not just focused enabling houses; we want complete communities. Communities that folks like Andres and Jorge, and all Burlingtonians current and future want to call home — with parks, services, jobs, a range of housing and yes all the pubs and restaurants you enjoy!
Communities where everyone feels welcome and included. Why is this important?
I regularly receive messages from folks looking to move to Burlington and wondering if Burlington is inclusive. They tell me they check my social feeds and read our messages of support and inclusivity.
For some, they have told me it’s a major factor in their decision to move here, set up a business or invest.
Here are just a few of our initiatives around inclusivity and community connection.
Indigenous Talking Circle
In 2024, I will continue to work with our urban Indigenous population here in Burlington through the Indigenous Talking Circle.
The Circle fosters relationship building and dialogue between the Mayor’s Office, City Council, staff, and urban Indigenous residents, to take action on Reconciliation.
2SLGBTQIA+ Community
Burlington Chamber – Rainbow Registered
The City of Burlington remains committed to supporting our 2SLGBTQIA+ community through crosswalks, flag raisings, proclamations and more.
I’d like to take a moment to congratulate the Burlington Chamber of Commerce board and staff. Terry and his team have received Rainbow Registered Accreditation. This is a national accreditation for 2SLGBTQIA+ friendly businesses and organizations that meet a rigorous set of standards to ensure 2SLGBTQIA+ customers and employees feel safe, welcomed, and accepted.
Mayor’s Drop Ins
In 2024, I’m looking to get out more in the community to connect with residents and businesses, so I’m going on tour!
I’ll be taking my Community Drop-In Sessions on the road visiting various locations across the city to meet and chat with you about what’s important to you Anyone can drop by to meet with me, ask a question or share your input.
The next drop in is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 31 from 11:30-1:30 at the Mapleview Mall Food Court, 900 Maple Ave.
We are planning additional drops ins in April, June, October and November. Visit my website at or keep an eye out on my social media channels for updates on dates and locations.
NEW – Mayor’s Speakers Series!
I’m also pleased to take this opportunity at the State of the City to announce a brand new initiative to foster community conversation and connection that leads to action.
In 2024, I’ll be launching the Mayor’s Speakers Series: ‘Innovation and Action for a Better Burlington’! It will bring the community together with speakers who stimulate conversation around innovation and action on the issues before us, facing both businesses and residents.
From these conversations, we’ll continue to advance a better Burlington for today and for generations to come.
Stay tuned for dates and details in coming weeks!
In closing, everything we are doing together for community and for business is working.
Over $38M in Investments for January 2024
Here’s just one proof-point: Burlington is seeing a record number of investments.
In just the first 3 weeks of 2024, there were announcements totalling more than $38 million of investments, whether from private citizens or other levels of government:
- $21.3 million from the federal Housing Accelerator Fund
- $5 million from Michael and Laura Paletta to hospital Mental Health and Addictions program at Joseph Brant Hospital
- $250,000 from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to the Art Gallery of Burlington
- $141,000 from Ontario Trillium Foundation to the Polish Community Centre
- $11.8 million through the federal Canada-Community Building Fund for 11 projects including parks, roads, cycling and transit investments.
These investments are a vote of confidence in our city. And a nod to a promising future.
Burlington is…
Burlington is open for business, serious about more homes and committed to fostering inclusivity. Other levels of government, residents and businesses are noticing. There is no doubt there are challenges ahead. But we can meet them, together.
At a conference earlier this week someone said: “Hope requires action; but there is no action without hope.”
After hearing these achievements for 2023, and our plans for 2024, I hope you will join me in having in our future, based on the successes of our past, and being ready to act!
Thank you!
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